Nubia Z11 拍照教学—星轨Star Trail


n  星轨Star Trail

因地球自转的原因Due to rotation of the Earth

天空中所有的星宿都是东起西落all stars in the sky rise from the east and set in the west

使用Nubia手机的星轨模式Using Star Trail mode of Nubia Phone

可以记录下壮丽的星空移动轨迹can record the brilliant star trail

拍摄星轨照片时When shooting start trail photos

需使用三脚架并避免光污染的环境We should use a tripod and keep away from light pollution

在相机家族中选取星轨模式Select Star Trail in Camera Family

根据拍摄环境调节isoAdjust ISO, WB, etc. according to the specific environment


并手动对焦至无限远manually adjust the focus to Infinity

然后根据需要设置快门速度set the shutter speed based on our own needs

设置完成后,按下拍摄按钮press the Shutter button after settings

只需静静等待And wait…

一张绚丽的星轨照片就完成了Such a brilliant star trail photo is created.



